




Box Copy
5th – 26th July 2014

Tom Mackie’s practice positions the artist as receiver of anonymous transmissions that connect different times and places. In previous works Mackie has used both found images and second-hand postcards as objects that prompt the experience of being in one time and place while thinking of another, for both sending and receiving subjects. In post call, three sheets of paper, sourced from Australian Op shops, are presented as readymades on which the passage of time is recorded as abstract trace. In this, they recall early characterisations of photography as a medium that allowed nature to represent itself. But in their ostensibly blank state, they also bear a history of past intentions and still unrealised potential; what Vilém Flusser described as an “infinity of tendencies” that surround the phenomenon “with a cloud of futures.”In a new work produced for the exhibition, previously unexposed sheets of photographic paper are exhibited and, in a sense, consumed by the act of exhibition. Purchased from a New Zealand Op shop, each sheet bears various traces of a long storage at the outset, before discolouring and darkening over the course of the exhibition. They become significant surfaces that register the effects of light and the passing of time. Like a conventional photograph, they manifest this past in the present, and become screens for the projection of future memories; vehicles for traveling light.

Download the online exhibition catalogue for ‘Correspondences’ with text by Christopher Handran from website: